
Wife to a handsome country boy, and mama to four precious princesses. Lovin' life in the sticks, and capturing every moment through my lens.

Happy Happy Birthday to Miss Tay!


How can it be that my teeny tiniest baby turns three years old today??? 

This picture below . . . the day we came home from the hospital.  ONE day old. One.


Why does time move so quickly? 

Why can’t we live on Mercury?  Then I could enjoy 58 days for every one day.


Alright, moving on.


Okay, I lied.  I’m not moving on.  I just have to take this in for a sec.


Can ya tell I have baby fever?  Bad.

Alright, fine.  I’ll definitely move on now.

Miss Taylor Grace . . . you are THREE!!!


You are a BIG girl now!

You love anything PINK.

You love Barbies and Legos and doing just about anything your big sissies are doing.

You just moved out of Mama and Daddy’s room at night {at least, on the nights Daddy’s at home}.

You are SUPER tall.  Wearing at least a size 4T!

I could listen to you talk ALL DAY LONG.

My favorite word of yours?  Bee.  That’s what you call Boys.  Bees.

It took me awhile to figure out, but once I did I couldn’t stop giggling about it!

You’re a LEFTY.  And we’ve known for a long while now. The only Lefty in our house!

You are very . . . Spirited.

You want what you want when ya want it, and that’s that.

But you are so incredibly loving. 

The snuggliest snuggler of all my girls {and that’s saying a LOT because all of my girls are snuggly}

You bring us so much joy each and every day, Miss Taylor Grace.


Happy Happy Birthday, my Love.






2 thoughts on “Happy Happy Birthday to Miss Tay!

  1. Awww! Happy Birthday, Miss T! I’ve been reading your blog for quite awhile now because I remember when she was born! : ) Hoping you had a special party! : )

  2. Happy Birthday! Taylor is so beautiful, like all of your girls. Those baby pics give me baby fever too! So precious!

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